Wealthy Affiliate Review: Is WA Worth Your Time And Money?

My 2024 Wealthy Affiliate Review

My 2024 Wealthy Affiliate Review = 9.5/10

About My Wealthy Affiliate Review

Hello and welcome! This is my personal 2024 Wealthy Affiliate review! In this review I will cover the Wealthy Affiliate platform tools, training, help, and support, how much it costs, how the system works, and my personal experiences with the course.

Overall, informing you what I thought of the platform, and if I think it’s worth you investing in.

Overall Wealthy Affiliate Review

👉 Product Name – Wealthy Affiliate
👉Official Website – WealthyAffiliate.com
👉Product Niche – Affiliate Marketing
👉Product Price – 3 membership plans: Free starter membership – Premium $49pm – Premium+ $99pm
👉Scam Alert – No
👉Skill Level: Beginner to advanced
👉Customer Support: 24/7 Support
👉Owners Contactable – Yes: Through The WA Platform
👉Training Quality – Excellent
👉Trust Pilot Consumer Rating – 4.9/5 Stars
👉Overall Start Rating – 9.5/10 Stars

Hey friends! Quick heads-up – some links here are affiliate links. Clicking and making a purchase may earn me a small commission at no extra cost to you – like a virtual coffee treat! Rest assured, I only recommend what I genuinely believe in. Your support helps keep the site running with great content. Feel free to click and show some love. Thanks for stopping by, and happy browsing.

My Overall Thoughts On The Wealthy Affiliate Platform: You will not find a better make-money online training platform than the Wealthy Affiliate University. It is structured, comprehensive, very well priced, and is backed up from peoples success stories, including mine! 

The last few months I have been joining and reviewing many other make money online courses and as far as I am concerned nothing has come close to the value, training, help, and tools available inside the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

👨‍🎓👩‍🎓 What Is The Wealthy Affiliate Platform ?

The Wealthy Affiliate platform was founded in 2005 by Kyle Loudon and Carson Lim.

The platform is designed to teach people how to make money online through affiliate marketing.

The platform has helped thousands of people break free from their 9 – 5 jobs and is rated the top affiliate marketing training platform by over 50,000 independent reviews.

Wealthy Affiliate stands as the best online affiliate marketing training platform online today!

Best Affiliate Marketing Tutorials For Beginners

🗺 How The Wealthy Affiliate Platform Works

My 2024 Wealthy Affiliate Review The Wealthy Affiliate University

Wealthy Affiliate claims to teach people how to make passive money online, from home, from any passion, hobby, or interest, through a series of online training video tutorials… and that’s exactly what they do.

Guided through the whole process you are taught in micro steps the ins and outs to make money online by advertising products you don’t own.

This includes how to find products, how to set up a website, how to get them indexed in search engines, and how to drive free and/or paid traffic to your website or landing pages.

Don’t worry! we do get permission to advertise these products and we do this by joining what we call affiliate programs. You will learn about these in the training.

If someone buys any of these products through your website or marketing methods, you receive a commission for doing so on every sale you generate.

The system works by you following the training videos and doing the tasks required to make money online.

🚀 Who Is Wealthy Affiliate For?

In my mind, the Wealthy Affiliate is for anyone wanting to break free from the ball-and-chain way of life. There is no reason for not giving the Wealthy Affiliate training a try…They have a “Free Starter Membership” to test drive the platform, so people have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Wealthy Affiliate is for people who:

  • 1: People who want to earn extra money?
  • 2: People looking for a way out of their jobs!
  • 3: Retired people who still want to have a hobby and make money!
  • 4: People who want to earn and travel!
  • 5: Anyone who wants a better lifestyle!
  • 6: People looking for a career change!
  • 7: Anyone looking to build passive online income!
  • 8: Anyone who wants to make money based off their passion, hobby, or interest!
  • 9: People who want to start a blog!
  • 10: Any business that sells products online!
  • 11: Writers, publishers, artists!
  • 12: People that want their own business!

The Wealthy Affiliate platform is for anyone wanting to build a better lifestyle. To be honest I could keep adding to this list as there is a HUGE opportunity for all kinds of people from all over the planet who would benefit from the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

Since we are building passive income, the work we do stays out on the web, working for us 24/7. 

This is why it is passive income, income that pays over and over again. 

Once you have joined the Wealthy Affiliate platform, even with just the Free Starter Membership, you can start the training and get a free website to use and practice with, which brings me to the next section in this Wealthy Affiliate review.

The training!

🌍 The Wealthy Affiliate Training Modules

Whats inside the training at Wealthy Affiliate

My thoughts on the training at Wealthy Affiliate are positive. From knowing nothing at all, about affiliate marketing, Wealthy Affiliates training has guided me through the steps to understand, set up, and run my successful online affiliate marketing business.

Upon making any of the 3 membership accounts, you will get access to your Wealthy Affiliate dashboard, which is very easy to navigate, access tools, and control your online business.

Once you have access to your dashboard you can fill out your profile goals add a profile picture, and then start your training.

I found the platform layout very easy to navigate, have a good look around if you make an account, there is loads to explore.

Through the training, you will shown how affiliate marketing works and how you will be making money online.

Every area is covered in the training video series that is needed to be successful online.

Training videos consist of the following:

ℹ Series 1 - Wealthy Affiliate Core Training:
Laying the ground work for your business

This set of training videos sets your foundation here at Wealthy Affiliate and moving forward with your business. They introduce the system, to the owners, and tutors, and it is an absolute must for any new members or already existing affiliate marketers looking to recap or extend their knowledge in affiliate marketing.

A sneak peek into the lessons…

Wealthy Affiliate Training First Steps

First Steps

This is an introductory video from Kyle ( One of the founders ) that describes what affiliate marketing is, how it works, and your next steps.

Wealthy affiliate training Creating your first website pages

Creating your first website pages

Guided in the creation of your first website pages, how to create an about me page and how to use the AI article designer.

Wealthy Affiliate training, Launching your unique brand

Launching your unique brand

In class 3 you will be launching your own unique brand. Get your own .com website. Membership pricing is briefly explained

Wealthy Affiliate training, your brand name

Creating A Professional Logo

Brand identity and design are explained and you are also introduces to Canva, design tool. Adding your logo to your website.

Wealthy affiliate training, keyword research with Jaaxy

Keyword research with Jaaxy

You are shown the power of Jaaxy keyword research tool, and how 1 keyword can generate $1000 online. This is a very crucial part in affiliate marketing.

Wealthy Affiliate training, creating helpful content that ranks

Creating helpful content that ranks

Learn the skills to get your content ranked on Google, Yahoo, and Bing search engines. You are taught how to get endless free traffic to your website.

Wealthy Affiliate training, creating images with AI

Creating images with AI

You will be guided on creating a blog post shown how to create high quality images with the help of AI. Kyle will also explain image optimization.

Optimizing your design and user experience

Optimizing your design and user experience

Learn the basic design elements of websites, create your main menu, and understand responsive mode.

ℹ Series 2 - Wealthy Affiliate Core Training:
Growth - Building rankings and momentum in your business

In the second series of the Wealthy Affiliate training things get a little more interesting. You are now taught how to get your website SEO optimized, Website speed and tests, increasing user engagment, intergrating AI and ChatGPT. 

These classes are exactly what is needed to understand and be guided through video, the steps you need to do to increase your chances of getting more rankings on search engines, and receive even more unlimited free traffic.

Wealthy Affiliate training series 2, Getting your website set up for SEO

Getting your website set up for SEO

Learn the fundermentals of SEO and why Google is the core focus of your business. Seo framework and the importance of 'meta tags"

Wealthy Affiliate training series 2 the rules of SEO

The rules of SEO & search engines

In this video you will learn the importance of getting you website indexed in search engines, on-page and off-page seo. Google site kit.

Harnessing Website Speed for Better User Engagement

Harnessing Website Speed for Better User Engagement

Website speed is super crucial for fast user engagement. Learn how to analyze, read and fix issues associated with site speed

Integrating AI and ChatGPT in Your Business

Integrating AI & ChatGPT in your business

Learn the ways of building WordPress websites, create your main menu, with targeted keywords, understand responsive mode.

Optimizing your design and user experience

Perfecting On-page SEO elements

Discover the power of internal linking strategies, SEO checks and audits, and how to ensure mobile friendly user experience.

ℹ Series 3 - Make Money, Social Media, and Getting Ready to Scale!

Making money on social media and getting ready to scale

Prepare for affiliate links and making money!

In series 3 you are introduced to affiliate marketing with affiliate links. This is how you will make your money online. You will also be guided on setting up social media accounts and shown how to leverage these to make even more money online!

Series 3 course outlay: Make Money, Social Media, and Getting Ready to Scale!

Class 1: Introduction to affiliate marketing and what is possible.
Class 2: Utilizing affiliate links and Disclaimers
Class 3: Introduction to the world of social media
Class 4: Setting up business profiles on social media
Class 5: Generating buzz with shareable content
Class 6: Understanding the affiliate marketing financials
Class 7: Scaling and building out your thriving business
Class 8: Leveraging Wealthy Affiliate training modules

ℹ Series 4 - Mastering WordPress Basics: From Beginner To Expert

Mastering wordpress from beginner to advanced

Wealthy Affiliate websites are built with the power of WordPress. Through this series, you are shown in more detail how to customize your website to suit your liking.

This is a 6-part course and is perfect to take your website to the next level.

Series 4 Course Outlay: Mastering WordPress Basics: From Beginner To Expert

Class 1: Getting started with WordPress
Class 2: Creating content with WordPress
Class 3: Managing Media In WordPress
Class 4: Designing With Themes In WordPress
Class 5: Working With Plugins In WordPress
Class 6: Securing and Optimizing WordPress

ℹ Series 5 - Mastering The Basics Of Search Engine Optimization

Mastering The Basics Of Search Engine Optimization

This is the last series in the Wealthy Affiliate training modules. Search engine optimization is crucial, and to be honest I found this an enjoyable part of the affiliate marketing process.

This part of the training consists of 6 classes, crafting your SEO skills to what some would describe as the elite level.

Let’s take a look at the series 5 classes:

Class 1: Winning Strategies for SEO Success – Crafting Your SEO.
Class 2: SEO Tactics To Boost Your Rankings – Optimizing Your Website.
Class 3: Linking Strategies For SEO – Creating Links To Boost Your Rankings.
Class 4: SEO Best Practices – Strategies For Sustainable Growth.
Class 5: SEO For Mobile – Creating Mobile Friendly Websites.
Class 6: Analyzing and Tracking Your SEO

My experience with the Wealthy Affiliate training modules has been exceptionally positive. The training modules provided an exact, well-organized, and easy-to-follow structure. The training videos left no stone unturned, covering all essential areas comprehensively. Overall, the Wealthy Affiliate training has proven to be a thorough and effective resource for achieving success in the online realm.

📦 What's Inside The Wealthy Affiliate Platform?

What's inside the Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Where do I begin?

Wealthy Affiliate is not just an affiliate marketing training platform, it is also equipped with websites and website hosting, as well as loads of other tools to help you be successful online.

It can take a little while to learn how to use them all, but the more you do the faster it sinks in. The tools are all accessible from your Wealthy Affiliate back office ensuring fast and efficient use of time.

The platform is very user-friendly. In just a few hours you can find your way around the platform, and in a few weeks, you will know exactly where all the tools and tabs are situated. Trust me, it is very straightforward.

Here are many of the main features of Wealthy Affiliate. You can access these if you have a Premium or Premium+ membership plan. If you are on the Free Starter Membership plan you will have limited use of the tools and training.

🛠 Tools and Features Inside the Wealthy Affiliate Platform

The tools and features inside the Wealthy Affiliate platform are extensive and high quality.

All online businesses need tools to help maximize success, and through the Wealthy Affiliate training, you will be introduced to some very advanced online tools that I use on a weekly, sometimes daily basis.

Here are some of the tools and features at Wealthy Affiliate:

Comprehensive Training Videos

The training at Wealthy Affiliate is so detailed that nothing is left out. 

From knowing nothing about affiliate marketing, Wealthy Affiliate guides you through the process of not only understanding affiliate marketing, but starting, growing, and running your own affiliate marketing business as well.

Easy-to-follow video tutorials make it easy to watch, pause, and then do the tasks required. You can rewind and re-watch as many times as needed.

What's inside the Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool

Jaaxy keyword research tool is an advanced keyword tool that tells us information regarding:

1: Keyword phrase search volume
2: Keyword competition score
3: Keyword rank tracker
4: Keyword search and related keywords
5: Alphabet soup ( Unlimited keyword ideas )
6: Keyword domain name availability

Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool

Free Starter Membership & Unbeatable Membership Plans

Test drive the WA system with no cost to you at all.

The free starter membership is Wealthy Affiliate’s way of saying come check out our platform, if it is not for you, that’s all good! If you like what you are seeing and doing, you can then upgrade to a paid plan and unlock all the tools and training modules as well as everything else Wealthy Affiliate has to offer.

The paid plans are extremely competitive and I honestly don’t think you will find a better all-in-one package price than what WA offers.

Wealthy Affiliate Affiliate Marketing Platform

Website Hosting & Security + Daily Backups

Tha’ts right! Wealthy Affiliate host and support WordPress websites. 

Over 4500 high quality website templates, security, and daily backups…just incase you make a woopsy. You can make a free starter website with the free starter membership, and with premium you will get 1 free .com domain name and can host up to 

Wealthy Affiliate websites.

Live Daily/Weekly Classes By Industry Experts

With the Premium membership, you will have access to 1 weekly live class per week. Premium+ members will have access to daily expert classes.

I am a premium+ member and I can vouch for these classes. They are priceless!

The expert classes are extensive and offer extra tips and insights to all areas of affiliate marketing. These classes alone are worth every penny of the monthly membership price for both membership plans.

Wealthy Affiliate live classes

Business Hub

Business Hubs is another feature included in the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

Business hub lets you track where you are with your websites and website progress.  You can organize and create content ideas. Included is an AI website structure and organization tool.

This feature is extremely useful in streamlining ideas, notes, research, etc, especially if you have more than 1 website.

Wealthy Affiliate Business Hub

24/7 Help and Support

I have to commend the Wealthy Affiliate support line and message box. They are always there to help and almost all queries are replied to in minutes.

There is also a huge community support group that is always active.

Any question I have had has been answered, and the helpline is always friendly and keen to help.

You can also contact the owners directly through the help tab. This is reinsuring as many other courses feel like it is impossible to contact the owners directly.

Wealthy Affiliate help line

AI Article Designer

Wealthy Affiliate’s AI article designer is a time saver and lets you effortlessly create blogs for your website.

I do find these articles still need tweaking and sprucing up, but 10 times faster than writing a blog from scratch.

The AI blog writer writes articles that resonate with your specific needs and audience.

Once the process is complete, your new article will automatically appear in your content list ready for publishing or altering.

AI article designer at Wealthy Affiliate

How Much Do The Wealthy Affiliate Memberships Cost?

There are 3 main Wealthy Affiliate memberships you can get started with.

1: The Free Starter Membership Plan: 100% Free but has limited tools and training. Great for test-driving the system.

2: Premium Membership: Unlock all training and tools, multiple website hosting and is USD $49.00 per month, or $41.58 per month paid in 1 yearly installment ($499 per year)

3: Premium+ Membership: Upgraded tools and more website hosting. This is the membership I have. The Premium+ membership is USD $99 per month or $58.08 per month paid in one yearly installment ($697 per year)

As you can see there is huge savings to be made on paying yearly. I don’t think you will find better value for money!

View Latest Membership Plan Prices Here <<<

Membership plans and details are as follows:

🚀 Free Starter Membership

The Free Starter Membership was where I started, and offers a solid foundation for individuals looking to explore and get started in affiliate marketing or online entrepreneurship without ANY financial outlay. 

With the Free Starter Membership you will get access to foundational training, website creation tools, hosting services, and a supportive community through live chat and personal blogging. 

It’s a valuable starting point for those who want to test the waters before committing to a premium membership.

Included with the Free Starter Membership:

Training & Tools

  • Core Niche Training – Series 1 – 8 classes
  • Jaaxy Starter
  • AI Author Platform ( Trial )


  • Beginner Website & Hosting Package – $29 Monthly Value
  • Access To Site Manager
  • Access To Niche Finder Tool
  • Website Builder
  • 1 Free Website
  • Hosting Security Suite
  • Free SSL
  • Business hub for 1 website
  • AI author platform


  • 24/7 Live Chat
  • Unlimited Questions, Comments And Answers
  • Personal Blog and Profile

This is your test drive of the Wealthy Affiliate platform!

The Wealthy Affiliate Free Starter Membership Plan is an excellent entry point for individuals eager to explore the world of affiliate marketing and online entrepreneurship. With this plan, users gain access to a wealth of resources designed to provide a foundational understanding of the key principles involved. The training includes comprehensive Entrepreneur Certification Core and Bootcamp Core courses, ensuring a solid grasp of the fundamental concepts.

Websites are made accessible through the Beginner Website & Hosting Package, allowing users to create their online presence. The package also includes a powerful Site Manager, a Niche Finder Tool, and a user-friendly Website Builder, facilitating the initial steps in website creation. Additionally, members receive a free website along with hosting security features and a free SSL certificate, essential for a secure online presence.

The Free Starter Membership acts as a test drive for the Wealthy Affiliate platform, enabling individuals to experience the value it offers without any financial commitment. It’s a fantastic opportunity to explore the training, build a basic website, and engage with the community, providing a glimpse into the world of affiliate marketing. 

As a risk-free introduction, this plan allows users to determine if the Wealthy Affiliate platform aligns with their goals and interests before considering an upgrade to the premium membership for more advanced features and opportunities.

👩‍🏫Premium Membership

The Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership, renowned as the platform’s most popular choice, offers a wealth of resources for serious online entrepreneurs, at a low cost.

Unlocking advanced training, they cover SEO, website development, and diverse marketing strategies on platforms like Facebook and Google Ads. Premium members can build and manage up to 10 websites with their domains, benefitting from streamlined processes, enhanced security, and a free SSL certificate.

Priority access to 24/7 support and mentorship ensures a supportive environment for success. In essence, the Premium Membership is the key to unlocking the platform’s full suite of advanced tools and opportunities.

Included with Premium Membership:

Training & Tools

  • Entrepreneur Certification Core Training – 20 Classes
  • Bootcamp Core Training – 20 Classes
  • Training Access For As Long As You Stay As A Member
  • Live Weekly Training Classes 1 per week
  • Website Hubs 3x Websites
  • AI Blog/Article Writer
  • Jaaxy Light
  • Organized Classrooms on specific affiliate marketing topics
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  • WordPress Training
  • Complete Website Development
  • Content Creation Training
  • Traffic and Conversions Training
  • Facebook, Instagram, Bing, and Google Ads
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Email Marketing / Funnel Building
  • PPC (Pay Per Click Marketing)
  • Image Creation / Brand Management
  • Domain / Website Flipping
  • Outsourcing & Freelancing


  • 1x Free .Com Domain Name
  • Over 4500 Website Templates
  • Hosting for up to 3 .com websites included
  • Access To Site Manager
  • Daily Website Backups
  • Website Builder
  • 1 Free Website
  • Hosting Security Suite
  • Free SSL
  • Fast and Secure Website Servers
  • Built With The Power Of WordPress
  • 7000 AI word credits per month


  • 24/7 Live Chat
  • Unlimited Questions, Comments And Answers
  • Personal Blog and Profile
  • Private Messaging
  • Personal Website Email Address x5 Per website

The Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership is the ultimate choice for serious online entrepreneurs. It unlocks extensive training resources covering SEO, website development, and marketing strategies. Members can build and manage up to 10 websites with their own domains, benefiting from streamlined processes and enhanced security.

Premium support includes 24/7 assistance and mentorship. This membership provides a comprehensive and advanced toolkit, making it the go-to option for those committed to achieving success in the online business world.

🕵️‍♂️Premium+ Membership

Introducing the epitome of affiliate marketing excellence – the Wealthy Affiliate Premium+ Membership.

Tailored for those seeking the absolute pinnacle of resources and tools, this elite membership goes beyond the Premium tier to offer an unparalleled experience in the world of online entrepreneurship. 

Maxed-out tool features, website hosting and security for 10 websites, thousands of AI word credits, Live daily expert classes…the list is extensive.

This is the membership I have and I cannot be happier with the value that I get for my money…

Included with Premium+ Membership:

Training & Tools

  • Entrepreneur Certification Core Training – 20 Classes
  • Bootcamp Core Training – 20 Classes
  • Training Access For As Long As You Stay As A Member
  • Live Daily Expert Classes
  • Website Hubs 10x websites
  • AI Blog/Article Writer
  • Jaaxy Enterprise
  • Organized Classrooms on specific affiliate marketing topics
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  • WordPress Training
  • Complete Website Development
  • Content Creation Training
  • Traffic and Conversions Training
  • Facebook, Instagram, Bing, and Google Ads
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Email Marketing / Funnel Building
  • PPC (Pay Per Click Marketing)
  • Image Creation / Brand Management
  • Domain / Website Flipping
  • Outsourcing & Freelancing


  • 2x Free .Com Domain Name
  • Over 4500 Website Templates
  • Hosting for up to 3 .com websites included
  • Access To Site Manager
  • Daily Website Backups
  • Website Builder
  • 1 Free Website
  • Hosting Security Suite
  • Free SSL
  • Fast and Secure Website Servers
  • Built With The Power Of WordPress
  • 15000 AI Word Credits Per Month


  • 24/7 Website Tech Support
  • Live Chat
  • Unlimited Questions, Comments And Answers
  • Personal Blog and Profile
  • Private Messaging
  • Private Messaging Platform
  • Personal Website Email Address x10 Per Website

For the serious affiliate marketer who craves unlimited tools and maxed-out features, the Premium+ Membership is the ultimate destination. 

Elevate your strategies with exclusive benefits like private coaching, advanced training modules, boosted affiliate commissions, and priority support. This membership isn’t just a step forward; it’s a leap toward unmatched success in the competitive world of affiliate marketing. With Premium+, there are no limits – only boundless opportunities for those ready to dominate their online ventures.

Wealthy Affiliate Pros and Cons

Wealthy Affiliate Pros

1: There is a FREE STARTER MEMBERSHIP with training and a website.
2: The #1 recommended affiliate marketing training platform in the world.
3: Extensive Training from beginner to advanced.
4: Affordable membership plans
5: The platform is easy to navigate and learn on.
6: Excellent mentorship and support

Wealthy Affiliate Cons

1: It may take a while to start making good money online.
2: Although this can be worked on over time, it does require effort, practice and commitment. ( This is not a get rich quick scheme )

Wealthy Affiliate FAQ's

Through my years online involved in the Wealthy Affiliate platform I hear many questions from people regarding the platform, its tools, the price, how long it takes to work, etc.

I have mentioned a few of the more common Wealthy Affiliate questions here with the answers to help clear up any uncertainty you may have with the platform.

Question: Is the Wealthy Affiliate free starter membership actually free?
The Wealthy Affiliate free starter membership is 100% free and will not cost you anything. You don’t even need your credit card details… Just an email and user name, with a password of your choice.

Question: How long does it take to make money with Wealthy Affiliate?
Answer: Since everyone is in different niches, and people can commit to more time on their business than others it is hard to answer that question. On average, if you do what the training says and have been consistent with blogs, about 1 – 3 months before you start making sales, sometimes sooner, and sometimes later.

Question: How much does Wealthy Affiliate cost?
As mentioned earlier, there are 3 main WA membership plans. These are:

  • Free starter membership ( FREE ) 
  • Premium membership ( $49 per month USD )
  • Premium+ ( $99 Per Month USD )

There are also huge savings offered if you pay 1 off yearly payments rather than monthly.

View full membership plans here <<<

Question: Are the owners of the course contactable?
Both the co-founders Kyle and Carson are contactable through the Wealthy Affiliate “Help” tab.

Question: Is the training easy to understand?
The training is made and designed so that even the most beginner can find their way to the training videos and work through them. The videos are in small bite-sized sections making it easy to digest the information that you are being taught.

Wealthy Affiliate Success Stories

For many, people are after proof that a system works, or some kind of indication that the training does work and this is where testimonials and other Wealthy Affiliate reviews come into play.

I have had some huge wins through what I have learned through the Wealthy Affiliate training including multiple single sales of over $500 a pop! These add up quick, in fact only 2 of these sales nets me over $1000 per week. This is more than what most will make in a week for working 40 – 50 hours of manual labor.

Wealthy Affiliate Testimonials

Wealthy Affiliate success stories

$32k Revenue

Mike Beatty with his story of hanging in there until successful

Wealthy Affiliate success stories

$4899 For 16 Hours Work

ParthaB with his "How to get your ex back" story

Wealthy Affiliate success stories

$17K Payday

Paul Watson had a good sale of $17,000 for one website!

My Wealthy Affiliate Review

After concreting for almost 15 years, affiliate marketing has been my reason for escaping the 9 – 5 race.

Before finding and training at the Wealthy Affiliate University I had no spare time, a workload like no other, and a body that was slowly but surely breaking down from strain, stress, and lack of sufficient tools during the concrete days.

Finding the affiliate marketing opportunity was one thing, but finding Wealthy Affiliate was another.

Through the Wealthy Affiliate platform, I have not only learned to make money online through various methods, but I have also gained the knowledge to break free from the 9 – 5 rat race system we live in, and introduced to methods of making money passively through my passions, hobbies, and interests.

This is what is happening more and more often to me now thanks to the training and support offered in the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

The Benefits of Affiliate Marketing

I have had many of these sales, and hundreds of other sales from other websites, all working for me 24/7.

I owe it to Wealthy Affiliate and myself!


It is not an easy road, but it is a road that will bring huge rewards if you stick with it until you are successful.

I can tell you one thing I know for sure… If you do nothing, nothing will change. Take action and give it a go, you might just love it like I do.

Wealthy Affiliate get a huge thumbs up from me. I am a Premium+ member and will be for many years to come. They have everything I need to keep growing my online business and as I have mentioned in this blog, I do not think I will find a cheaper training and hosting affiliate marketing platform.

Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth The Money?

If you are after value for money, I recommend Wealthy Affiliate!

If you want top-of-the-line and relevant training for $20 a week with tools and websites, I recommend Wealthy Affiliate.

The tools, training, help, support, websites, and everything else you get at Wealthy Affiliate are well worth it for the cost. I am extremely happy with the rates, and honestly don’t think you will find anything better.

What is your freedom worth?

If you got given all the tools, all the training, and all the help and support needed to completely transform your life for the better, would you take it?

It amazes me how many people could give this opportunity a go, but never lift a finger or show any motivation in signing up or getting active on the platform.

Instead, they will winge about how much they hate their job for the next 10, 20, or even 50 years yet continue to do nothing to get out of it.

Why is Wealthy Affiliate worth it?

  • They offer a guided path to escape the 9 – 5 rat race.
  • You will be shown how to work smarter, not harder.
  • For some, it offers a home or place where they can socialize with like-minded individuals.
  • It is one of the best value-for-money platforms around.
  • Professional with structured training.
  • It teaches us how to build passive income.
  • You will get support, help, and inspiration.
WA membership plans. Is WA worth the money.

How To Make Money With Wealthy Affiliate?

Through the training you will be shown how to set up a niche website, attract traffic, and monetize the website so it will earn you money.

This is done by joining affiliate programs and inserting these links into your website pages, blogs, social media channels, etc.

How Affiliate Marketing Works

After making an account and setting up your profile information, you will find and choose a niche. Make sure this is something you are passionate about, or have an interest in. It is allot easier to blog about information or topics we like or know lots about.

This is done through Wealthy Affiliate’s niche finder, a tool designed to hunt out valuable niches.

Once you have a niche selected you can start building your website.

Websites can be built in as little as 30 seconds and are all customizable.

After your website is created, you can load it up with information that people will want to know, based around that chosen niche.

Once you have some information on your website and are starting to drive traffic, you can apply to join some affiliate programs, and then monetize your website.

If someone clicks on an affiliate link and makes a purchase, you will get paid a commission. Some of these commissions pay hundreds or thousands per sale, this means you only need to get a few sales to earn big time.

This is the process of making money online through affiliate marketing.

My Results With The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Over the last few years I have made many websites through the Wealthy Affiliate platform, some I have continued with, others like the one you are on now, I started the end on November 2023.

As you can probably tell, this is my brand. The Affiliate Marketing Lifestyle.

So where am I now, and how did I get on through the Wealthy Affiliate training?

Have I made any money? Are my websites successful?

My success through Wealthy Affiliate:

  1. I have designed and made over 20 websites through the Wealthy Affiliate platform
  2. These websites have all been indexed in Google, Yahoo, and Bing.
  3. I have monetized many of these websites.
  4. I have blogs ranking on Google page 1, in position 1.
  5. I have made multiple sails across multiple websites.
  6. I have made multiple sales of over $500 in commissions while I sleep.
  7. I made a huge sale of just under $6000 through Amazon 2 months after starting a new website, blog 18.
  8. I am an affiliate of multiple companies and have access to hundreds of millions of products.
  9. I know how to run ads, blog, use social media, and advertise online.
  10. My websites are growing larger and better by the day, and this only helps to my success.

By no means am I one of these massive affiliate marketing gurus that’s earning millions every year, but I am earning some good coin by advertising products I don’t own, I don’t handle, and I don’t ship.

Passive online income that pays over and over again.

If you want this. Join the Wealthy Affiliate platform, follow the training, work hard, apply yourself, and stick with it.

Final Conclusion To My 2024 Wealthy Affiliate Review

Take action and start the beginning of your new life! 

I know that sounds a tad cheesy, but it is true. 

If you are feeling stuck in your 9 – 5 job, need supplement income, or just want to build your passion into something, Wealthy Affiliate can be your ticket out.

I love the Wealthy Affiliate platform! It has been a game changer in the way I make my income.

Most spend $20 a week on junk food or other un-needed rubbish. Anyone can afford to run their own business if they want, it just comes down to priorities.

Last words of advise: If you change nothing, nothing will change…Take action and start building a life with more financial freedom and flexibility than ever before.

🏆 Prepare For Affiliate Marketing Success

Wealthy Affiliate presents a unique online income-generating prospect utilizing a combination of an interactive online community and comprehensive training sessions. It guides individuals in building their own online businesses from the ground up.

What makes it truly appealing is the flexibility it offers – you can engage in this venture from any corner of the globe. All that’s required is an internet connection and a laptop.

To kickstart your journey, a top-notch training program is essential, and that’s precisely where Wealthy Affiliate excels. It stands out as the most cost-effective and valuable option available online.

If you’re yearning for more quality time with your family within the comfort of your home, eliminating the need for lengthy commutes and traffic hassles, then this opportunity is tailor-made for you.

Regardless of how you stumbled upon this, you’ve discovered an exceptional stay-at-home business and money-making opportunity on the Internet. While no program is flawless, Wealthy Affiliate comes remarkably close.

Ready To Start Your Online Business?

Access the same training platform over 1.4 million members use to Make money Online. 

Follow the same simple 4 step process that we use to make money online every single day!

The Affiliate Marketing Lifestyle

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