2025 OLSP System Review

OLSP System Review: Did I Make Money In 48 Hours?

Does the OLSP System live up to the hype in 2025? This detailed OLSP System Review will unpack everything you need to know, helping you decide if it’s the right fit for your affiliate marketing journey.

Overall OLSP System Review

Product Name: OLSP System
Official Website: olspsystem.com
Product Niche: Affiliate Marketing/MMO
Product Price: Free Membership, $7 Mega Link, Membership Upgrades
Scam Alert: No
Creator: Wayne Crowe
Trust Pilot Consumer Rating: 4.5/5 stars
OLSP Member: Yes

Luke Moretti
Luke Moretti
Get Started With OLSP
The OLSP has simplified the affiliate marketing process in 2025! I am all go, and made my first commission in just a few days from joining. Highly recommended for people wanting to learn how to generate income online.

Why Write This OLSP System Review?

After working online for a few years now I know how important it is to warn people about scam courses and other hyped-up systems that only lead to disappointment. 

On the other side, I feel it is important to acknowledge the courses and tools that are helping others, and that are of great value.

This is why I am writing my OLSP System review.

Let’s begin…

What Is The OLSP System?

The OLSP System Backoffice. OLSP System Review

The OLSP System, short for “One Lead System Pixel,” is an affiliate marketing training platform designed to simplify affiliate marketing in 2025.

Created by Wayne Crowe, a seasoned marketer who has generated between 15 – 20 million online, the OLSP system equips beginners and experienced marketers with tools and resources to succeed in affiliate marketing without the technical hassle of building and designing websites, squeeze, or landing pages.

The program offers step-by-step video tutorials, live training sessions, and automated tools that help users build a profitable online business.

At its core, OLSP teaches members how to leverage traffic sources, convert leads, and scale their online income.

Key Features Of The OLSP System:

Besides simplifying the affiliate marketing process by having just one link to earn you lifetime commissions from 7 different revenue streams, setting up is simple.

Easy to follow training tutorials and a simplified system to use, the OLSP platform is packed with loads of features, tools, training videos, and more.

Key Features Inside OLSP:

In my opinion, these were the key highlights of going through the OLSP system.

  • This is a great way to learn affiliate marketing without all the hassle of websites, designing squeeze pages, or landing pages.
  • Free starter membership.
  • It only costs $7 for your Mega Link which you can earn lifetime commissions from
  • Your Mega Link collects your leads.
  • The Magic Link is a one-time $7 purchase and this allows you to earn commissions per click you receive on your link. CPA.
  • The OLSP system automatically emails the leads you collect to earn you even more commissions.
  • The training from Wayne Crowe, I think is very good. He does talk fast and a lot is going on, but it gets easier the more you do.
  • Live training videos 2 – 3 times a week.
  • Helpline.
  • Private FB groups.
  • No complicated setup.
  • No websites, hosting, or security.
  • Loads of other tools and training.
  • Monthly competitions, and cash prizes.
There are so many pros in this platform… For the $7, I don’t think there is much out there that can compare with how much you get.

The value and the training, plus the simplicity of setting up and only needing one link… Brilliant!… and we keep our email leads for our list.

Did I Find The Training Any Good?

Wayne Crowe creator of the OLSP system

When I first joined the OLSP system I was emailed sign-in credentials to my OLSP back office.

From there I watched the intro videos from Wayne, and then get started on my next steps.

The Mega Link is something I purchased inside of OLSP dashboard, and the price of it is $7. This is the link I would be building my list and earning commissions through.

After buying my link I watched the mega link training video.

After that video I watched the Facebook 101, and the Traffic Fast Start videos.

From here I just started doing what I was instructed to do.

The videos are clear, easy to understand, and you can always replay them if you need to.

The training works and I am almost getting leads daily now… It will not be long and I will be getting multiple leads every day.

How To Make Commissions Fast With The OLSP System

Making your first commissions can be done very quickly inside the OLSP platform itself. I made my first .75c in the first 2 days… 

This is through CD Pro ( Comment Dominator Pro )

Inside CD Pro we can get .25c per comment we leave on Facebook.

Note; You will need to purchase your Magic Link or Mega Link to make CD Pro available to you in your back office.


Inside the OLSP back office, members can buy credits to use in exchange for FB comments.

For each comment we make on someone else’s post, we earn .25c

So 4 FB comments = USD 1.00

Not a lot I know, but for some, this is their first commission earned online, and it is a crazy cool feeling.

Facebook posts that need comments are not there every day.

Sometimes there is only one or two… on other days there are 6 or 8, whatever the amount, if there are comments that need to be made, I always do them.

These small commissions add up in time.

How The OLSP Mega Link Works

For me, this is where things got a little more exciting.

The OLSP mega link is $7 one time and is something that you will need to purchase to start earning commissions online. 

This Mega Link gives you access to 7 different revenue streams and is pre-set up for you to start driving traffic.

Benefits Of The Mega Link

Mega Link

  1. One link to earn from 7 different revenue streams
  2. Pre-loaded squeeze page
  3. Preloaded landing pages
  4. Keep all your leads that come through your Mega Link
  5. Training on how to use your Mega Link
  6. Training on how to get traffic, and fast!
  7. Private FB groups

This link makes affiliate marketing so simple and people don’t need to do anything besides get traffic.

Is The OLSP Worth It?

OLSP Commissions

I am only about 4 weeks in, part-time, and I am loving it.

Since OLSP offers a free starter membership, I can hardly say it’s not worth it… It’s free!

To access the Mega Link for just $7 is an absolute bargain.

This cuts out all the hard work of websites, hosting, and security, customizing, and learning how to build landing and squeeze pages.

In my opinion, there is no other easier system to learn, start, and grow an affiliate marketing business through.

What Is The OLSP Magic Link

OLSP Magic Link

The Magic Link allows you to earn a small commission every time someone clicks on it, and I found this extremely cool.

The Magic link made me commissions about 24 hours after I had it set up.

Pre-loaded with a squeeze page, you also keep the leads your Magic Link collects.

My OLSP Results

These are my Magic Link and CD Pro commissions from just 4 weeks of joining the OLSP platform. 

When you purchase the link you get 100 free clicks, those free clicks gave me the $16.90 commission at the bottom of the image.

I also gained over 30 leads for my list from the free 100 clicks as well.

My Magic Link Results

If you have an email list, send them an email with your Magic link and earn commissions every time it’s clicked.

Commissions for clicks ranges from about 30c upwards

If your email list is in the 10,000s then at 30c per click, this has huge potential to earn large amounts.

Who Is The OLSP System For?

From someone that has learned affiliate marketing through blogging for the last few years, the OLSP system has changed everything.

Although I still blog, and recommend the Wealthy Affiliate platform for this, the OLSP system has simplified the process for people starting out in the affiliate marketing space.

Not just that, the tools and training, would benefit any beginner or seasoned affiliate marketer.

The OLSP System is for:

  • Affiliate marketing beginners
  • Anyone looking to start an online business.
  • Anyone looking to scale their existing business.
  • For people that want more leads for their email list.
  • Anyone looking for a way out of their 9 – 5 jobs.
  • Anyone who is stuck at home.
  • Anyone who wants to earn and travel.
  • For People That Want To Work To Build Their Freedom.
No matter you location, previous experience, or reason for jumping on board with OLSP, I know the system, training, and support can help.


These are the most common questions I get asked about OLSP:

Q: What does OLSP stand for?
A: OLSP stands for One Link System Pixel

Q: How much does it cost to start?
A: You can join the OLSP platform for free, but to start making steady commissions you need to buy the Magic link or the Mega link which are seven dollars each, one time.

Q: How much can you make?
A: There is no limit on how much you can earn and there is massive success happening every day inside the OLSP system.

Q: How long does it take to start earning?
A: If you purchase the Magic link, you can start making commissions right away. So within 24 – 48 hours. You can also share your Mega Link and earn commissions if someone upgrades or buys tools or more training from their OLSP back office.

Q: Is it hard to set up?
A: This is hands down the easiest system I have ever used. Your Mega Link includes squeeze pages to grow your email list and landing pages for upgrades. Also, OLSP will email on your behalf to earn you even more commissions.

OLSP is a ready-set-up business.

Q: Do I Get Training?
A: Absolutely 100%. The training inside OLSP will take you from a complete beginner to getting leads and sales in a short amount of time.

You can re-watch the training videos as many times as you like and your back office is very easy to navigate.

Wayne Crowe ( The founder of OLSP ) also does 2 – 3 live training sessions per week!

Q: What are the high ticket commissions?
A: Depending on which membership you have with OLSP, your commission can be upwards of six thousand dollars.

My OLSP System Review Conclusion

My final thoughts on the OLSP system are good.

I love the platform and the training, all the tools and resources are great, and I am making commissions.

My advice, take action and jump on board…

Check Out OLSP System <<<

Luke Moretti
Luke Moretti
Get Started With OLSP
The OLSP has simplified the affiliate marketing process in 2025! I am all go, and made my first commission in just a few days from joining. Highly recommended for people wanting to learn how to generate income online.

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