Smart Desktop AI Warning

Smart Desktop AI Warning! Too Little Too Late

I gave Smart Desktop AI a chance to make true to their word, and we users have been let down time and time again, so I am writing a Smart Desktop AI warning article to advise on NOT investing your time until they have sorted their issues out, and stop making misleading statements that keep its members at arm’s length.

Why Issue A Smart Desktop AI Warning?

From my point of view, and many others we were led to believe we could enroll in the platform for just $20 and then get access to the Smart Desktop AI affiliate program.

One month after I enrolled, they made Smart Desktop AI free to join.

We were made aware that the AI software was not ready at this stage and we are pre-software-release members, so no worries there.

For the affiliate program, we were told every person we signed up, we would receive $60 commissions and then $15 per month after.

On the official Smart Desktop AI Telegram, we have notice after notice stating we are making payouts by a certain date, but as the date goes past, no payments are being made. 

Smart Desktop AI warning

Still, I have not received any commission payments.

The next issue was that after I had written articles and many social media posts they said, every member needs to make a wise account to confirm they are real, or we do not get referral commissions for them. 

So in other words I would have to contact all of my referrals and ask them to make a wise account… Um no… this is not going to happen.

This is not what the conditions were from the beginning, and for people signing up for the software rather than the affiliate program, why should they need to make a Wise account???

Just Crazy. Shame on you Smart Desktop AI.

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Smart Desktop AI Membership Account Block

To make things more annoying and frustrating, is that Smart Desktop AI has put a hold on any new accounts being made.

This means my advertising efforts are a waste of time, besides traffic count to my website.

Their reason for this is that they are getting thousands of members per day and many of these are fake email addresses, as well as their response system is struggling to keep up with all the requests.

Smart Desktop AI Warning Summary

The high-traction program Smart Desktop AI has let me down one too many times and I am not going to write another blog promoting this software until finalization and publishing of the system has happened.

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