The Wealthy Affiliate Hot Seat

I Was In The WA Hot Seat 🔥🔥🔥: How To Get The Best In 2024

So it finally happened, I was in the Wealthy Affiliate hot seat!

Wealthy Affiliate members who have been in the hot seat before will understand just how valuable this experience is and how much it can help your business succeed in the online world.

For those of you who don’t know what it is…let me explain.

What Is The Wealthy Affiliate Hot Seat

What is the Wealthy Affiliate hot seat

Besides Wealthy Affiliate being one of the leading platforms for people to go to and learn how to make money online, they offer live expert classes from leading industry experts.

One of them, Jay Neill, runs a series named “The Hot Seat. 

Through the training inside the Wealthy Affiliate platform, you will be guided on making your first website.

A few months down the track when you have written blogs, added pages, etc, you can apply to be on the Wealthy Affiliate Hot Seat.

This is where you put your website forward to Jay, and he does a live audit, offering his advice and knowledge on how to improve certain aspects.

Aspects include:

  • User Experience ( UX )
  • Layout and Design
  • Mobile Responsive Mode
  • Keywords and Keyword Research
  • Blogs Quality and Headlines

The hot seat website audit gives a clear first-hand look at your website’s usability, and functionality, from other people’s eyes and tools.

The class includes many attendees, some have also submitted their websites to be audited.

Others who have just started websites join the class as well, gaining inside knowledge of what Jay covers in the audits, and how they can better their websites as well.

The hot seat class is valuable even if you do not get your website audited.

How Did I Get On?

The website I wanted to have audited is the one you are reading this blog on,

I have to be 100% honest, when I filled out the form to apply to be on the hot seat, I did not expect it to happen in the next episode.

I knew loads more people had applied, and Jay only had time to go through about 4 or 5 websites for each hot seat episode.

So we got through website number 4 I believe and then…Luke… Jay says…I got nervous… ARGHHHH it was happening!

My results:

There were a couple of questions I wanted to have addressed on my website, mainly regarding my home page and conversions.

In the audit there were a few things I could do better involving my website funnel, and where I would like to be directing the traffic I get.

The main takeaway for me was to keep things simple.

I had too much information and too many options for people to click on.

This made perfect sense, and I understand exactly what my issue was regarding conversions from my home page.

The positives:

  • My website is mobile responsive.
  • Has social links for people to join my online tribe.
  • My website is ranking for 183 keywords
  • Multiple Google page one blog rankings.
  • Fairly good UX, (I have tweaked a few things to improve)

Why I recommend The Wealthy Affiliate Hot Seat

The Wealthy Affiliate hot seat is a worth while experience for anyone in the online world.

Having Jay, an online affiliate marketing expert look over your site and let you know how you could better it, is just priceless.

Just a few simple changes can make a huge world of difference.

Seeing your website through other people’s eyes gives you inside information on how people use your website, how people find your website, and how your website is doing when converting people into customers or leads.

In my opinion, the Wealthy Affiliate Hot Seat is a great way to get expert advice, tips, and tricks, to help your online business.

Where to from here?

After the Wealthy Affiliate hot seat episode I had a few things to do that would help improve my website.

These were:

  • Take out the table of contents from the top of my blog posts.
  • Completely revamp my home page.
  • Change 1 H2 title in a blog.

Just these 3 changes will make a difference, mostly from the home page.

The day after I revamped my website home page, I was pleasantly surprised with another WA referral.

Was this a result of the home page revamp? possibly, it is too early to tell yet, however in the next few months I can compare stats and see the % increase in referrals and sales.

Watch The Hot Seat Replay

If you are interested in finding out more I have left a link to the hot seat video so you can watch it for yourself.

A huge thanks to Jay for his time and effort with my website. You are a legend mate!

Enjoy the video replay!

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